Editorial ship ThePioneer One in Berlin, Germany
As the world’s first floating media and event ship, ThePioneer One is unique. The rooms featuring our furniture reflect the high quality of journalism produced by Media Pioneer.

Expedition ship for a new journalistic era
Gabor Steingart is one of the best-known, most successful and at the same time most contentious journalists in Germany and has a close, long-standing relationship with Walter K. He is the founder of Media Pioneer – the media company which has found its headquarters on the purpose-built media ship: ThePioneer One. Steingart describes it as an “expedition ship for a new journalistic era”. In the evening and on the weekend, ThePioneer One hosts events for up to 200 guests – from live stage shows to art projects.

Multifunctional newsroom
The construction of the ship was challenging as its shape had to be adapted to suit the dimensions of the bridges over the Spree – allowing a maximum height of four meters. A small miracle of space, the multifunctional media ship features an 82-square-meter newsroom that can also be converted into a spacious area for events. Whether cinema or fishbowl seating or even a classical discussion group – every format is conceivable in the newsroom of ThePioneer One.

Individual and stylish furnishings
Elegant lighting moods
Düsseldorf-based designer Michael Horst not only envisaged functional lighting on the ship but also created lighting to bring about a club atmosphere in the evening. Light effects on the windows and outside walls of ThePioneer One catch the eye and a large LED ticker displays all the latest news. In addition to the TV and podcast studio with directing room and a separate VIP lounge for guests, ThePioneer One is also home to a briefing room which is in the bow of the ship.

Panoramic view of the city